Kate Goodacre

Kate's Story

Fitter and happier than ever

Kate Goodacre

Fitter and happier than ever

Kate didn't even realise how unfit she had become, and her weight, until others pointed it out to her. Gradual changes and the support of her coach and the team helped her achieve more than she even dreamt possible.

Kate Goodacre

Business Owner
Weight Loss: 
Member since

Put everyone else first

Was in denial about my weight

Needed small steps, not big changes


Lost a third of my bodyweight

Did it at a pace i was happy with

Fitter and happier than ever

Kate Goodacre

What was your original reason for joining U Fit?

I don't think I actually gave myself much thought. Very busy being a working wife and mother, looking after elderly parents. One of the triggers was a friend of mine that explained to me that I actually looked after my dog better than I did myself. She actually said to me, God your dog will live beyond you. And I was like, yeah that's not quite right is it?

How did you first get started?

So U Fit kept stalking me on Facebook. Every time I'd go on Facebook I'd see these U Fit things. And it did peak an interest, so I'd sort of look on and I'd follow. I probably did that for a good six months or more. And I look back at that now and think, wow what a waste of time. But yeah, it just kept kind of popping up there like a nagging little thing.

<span class="rt-success-quote">&ldquo;I just thought, time to go and have a look what this place is about.&rdquo;</span>

Success stories

I'm probably at the best health now that I've ever been

Kate Goodacre

What sort of results have you had?

So I've lost approximately six stone, which is about a third of my overall body weight.

What other benefits have you had from improving your fitness and health?

I'm probably fitter, slimmer and stronger than I can remember.

<span class="rt-success-quote">&ldquo;Probably at the best health now I've ever been.&rdquo;</span>

What have been your biggest challenges?

I could have done it a lot quicker, but I like to take the weekends off. So I kind of work really hard Monday to Friday. Always had a big family Sunday dinner and that was like a non-negotiable. Now I'm a lot better with things like that, so I don't necessarily take a whole weekend off. I might take a meal off or an evening off. But I try and get in hand, so if I know I'm going to do that, I think right, I'll try and get more steps in. I'll try and eat even better this week. I'll just save a bit extra in the bank sort of thing.

Success stories

I don't think I actually gave myself much thought

Kate Goodacre

Is U Fit a comfortable place to train?

Here you feel like you’ve all got a similar goal, and you’re all heading the same way. And if you need a hand somebody will reach out. You look at people coming in and think, good on you, you’re doing something.

<span class="rt-success-quote">&ldquo;Every time you come in people will smile at you.&rdquo;</span>

Why do you consider U Fit great value for money?

They 100% know what they’re doing. Even if you think ‘I don’t like that,’ or ‘I don’t want to do that’, they know what they’re doing.So you just put yourself in their hands and let them work it out, and you just do what they say, you’re going to surprise yourself and just let them deal with it, just do what they say and it will all work out brilliantly.

What does the future hold?

As long as my weight stays around what I am now, I’m happy. It will never go back up again.

Kate Goodacre
You're going to surprise yourself

Kate Goodacre

Kate Goodacre
Kate Goodacre
They totally know what they're doing

Kate Goodacre

Kate Goodacre
I might take a meal off, an evening off

Kate Goodacre

Kate Goodacre
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